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Top 6 Strategies to Boost Your Website’s Conversion Rate

Top 6 Strategies to Boost Your Website’s Conversion Rate
In: Uncategorized

As a leading web development company in Pakistan, we have first-hand knowledge of the various problems facing clients. Currently, everyone is complaining about the lack of conversions from their websites. What business owners fail to realise is that having a professionally designed website is no longer enough. One must ensure that the website is relevant for today’s time.

What do we mean by relevant? Well, considering that the trends and technologies keep changing, one way to remain relevant is to incorporate these into your website. However, we believe that this is neither practical nor required. After all, it is challenging to keep changing your website every now and then. Instead of making major changes, we’ll share a few simple strategies that can truly boost your conversion rate.

6 Tips to Boost a Website’s Conversion Rate

  1. Utilise Social Proof

Go to Google or any other search and search for ‘female cotton pants’. In a few milliseconds, you’ll end up with thousands of websites that are offering this product. Now, think as a store owner. Does a user have enough time to go through all the websites? Of course, not. They’ll only open a handful of websites and finalise the product from any one of them.

This is the case in most online purchase decisions. If you want that after visiting your website, a user has no choice but to complete the purchase right then and there, leverage social proof. It refers to a behaviour phenomenon wherein people look to others for guidance when they are uncertain. In the context of online buying, they look for reviews and recommendations left by other users.

If the reviews are positive, it will reinforce their decision to buy the product. In case of negative reviews, they’ll opt against buying the product. Therefore, iBytes.io recommends displaying reviews on product webpages. You can also reshare user generated content (UGC) on your social media platforms to build social proof for your website. To encourage reviews/UGC, offer discounts and special incentives.

  1. Experiment With Your CTAs

We had a client who set up the call-to-action buttons in a way that it was difficult to discern them from the rest of the content. Resultantly, very few people ended up clicking the CTA. All we did was simply redesign the CTA, leading to a 23 per cent increase in the conversions. Therefore, if you are facing low conversions, first take a look at your CTAs.

Based on our experience, there’s no perfect CTA since they are various factors which need to be considered. The business niche, website design, and content are just a few factors. So, what you need to do is come up with different CTAs and start implementing them. Over time, you’ll get an idea which CTA is more effective. You can then implement the same CTA design across the rest of the website.

We would like to add one more thing here – text-based CTAs. Most websites go for flashy buttons and animations for their CTAs. What they fail to realise is that a text-based CTA is just as effective, if not more. How? Well, the thing is that the majority of internet traffic now comes from mobile devices as shown in the below figure. Over the years, this percentage will only increase further.

Figure 1. Mobile Devices Share of the Global Internet Traffic (Source: Statista)

You may be wondering what’s the link between a text-based CTA and the internet traffic coming from mobile devices? The thing is that the screen size on smartphones is quite limited. Hence, a website needs to find ways to incorporate the CTAs for a small screen. This can become quite challenging, leading to a website displaying incorrectly. A text CTA takes little screen space, allowing it to blend in with the content.

  1. Re-optimise Your High-Ranking Blogs

If your website has a blog section, find the top-ranking blogs. If there are none, we recommend availing our digital solutions services, which includes content writing. Our writer will write high-quality blogs which will rank in little time. Of course, not all blogs perform equally. Over time, you’ll notice a certain blog performing better than the rest in terms of website traffic and engagement.

What you need to do is re-optimise the blog. What does it mean? Check if there are changes to the keywords and update the content accordingly. Secondly, add internal links to high-performing products or services page. This will shift the readers from your blog to another webpage on your website. We recommend re-optimising the blogs every three months for enhanced effectiveness.

  1. Simplify the Checkout Process

Do you know that the cart abandonment rate is more than 70%? Yes, despite the advanced marketing platforms and improvements in technologies, 70 out of every 100 users abandon their cart. The below image shows the global cart abandonment rate.

Figure 2. Online shopping cart abandonment rate worldwide between 2006 to 2024 (Source: Statista)

What’s more worrying is that for some industries, the cart abandonment rate goes to 80% as shown below.

Figure 3. Cart abandonment rate in selected categories worldwide by device (Source: Statista)

Although there are numerous reasons behind cart abandonment, one of the most common is a complex checkout process. If you ask users for too much information, they’ll simply close the tab. Users even don’t feel like creating an account these days. Therefore, consider setting up guest checkout feature on your website. We recommend keeping the checkout page to a minimum to reduce user frustration.

  1. Make Website Navigation Easy

Furthermore, when a user lands on your website, they shouldn’t face any difficulty in finding the relevant page or information. Suppose you are a website development and design company in Pakistan. Naturally, you’ll have multiple pages such as for WordPress development. If a user requires WordPress development services, it must not take longer than 3 seconds to find the relevant page.

If it takes any longer, the user will simply move onto another website. In other words, they’ll go to your competitor simply because they couldn’t find the relevant information. Whether it is an eCommerce store or any other website, making the navigation easy is a must. Based on our experience, simple changes to the navigation can do wonders for your website’s conversion rate.

  1. Set Up Live Chat Option

This strategy wouldn’t be highly popular given how advanced chatbots have become. But hear us out first. A chatbot, no matter how advanced they become, cannot replace a human. The way humans perceive information and respond to it cannot be replicated by any AI-powered tool. Also, when a user requires help, the last thing they want is to talk to a bot. Instead, they want a human to help them.

Therefore, the first thing you need to do is identify your top-performing pages. It could be a product or a service page. One must implement the live chat option on such pages since this is where the user requires the most help. They may have a query related to your product or service. By offering instant help, you can resolve their queries, compelling them to complete the purchase.

Final Thoughts on Improving a Website’s Conversion Rate

This concludes our article on improving a website’s conversion rate. Of course, there are numerous other strategies which you can adopt, but these are the most effective ones. They’ll generate the greatest impact. If you require help in implementing them, contact us. Thank You.

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